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School Clubs


science olympiad logo

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a program for students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade which focuses on all areas of STEM. 

Students work to compete against other teams from Fulton county on study based or build based events that are determined by the Georgia Science Olympiad organization. 

Students enjoy challenging and motivational events that are balanced between the various science disciplines of life science, earth science, and physical science. 

There is also a balance between events requiring mastery of science concepts, science processes, and inquiry skills as well as technology applications. 


Student Council logo

Student Council

The mission of the Medlock Bridge Student Council is to build responsible leaders within our school and community and promote values that represent good character.

We will accomplish our mission through:

·         Leading by example in our classrooms, school and community by being respectful, responsible, and safe.

·         Raising awareness about important issues to students and parents within our school community.

·         Serving as a source of communication between the students and faculty of the school.


Cub Scouts logo

Cub Scouting

Boys and Girls in Kindergarten through 5th grades.

First Monday of the month at Johns Creek United Methodist Church.

For more information contact Glyn Dobson at glyn.dobson@outlook.con or visit our site at


Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts

If you would like more information about how your daughter can become a Girl Scout, please contact our Medlock Bridge Troop Organizer, Melissa Turner, and Jennifer Taylor,